In order to ensure balance in your life it is good to keep in mind all areas of your life when making goals. While there are different ways to categorize your activities, I have created following goal categories based on the book . When choosing goals, look for balance and overlap in each of these areas.
- Personal Skills — including mental and emotional skills. These skills are the most important as they influence your attitude and ability to achieve your other goals.
- Physical Skills — this can include improving your health, different forms of exercise, diet, and nutrition.
- Family Skills — improving your relationship with your spouse, children, parents, and siblings.
- Social and Interpersonal Skills — these skills can help you develop your social life and help you connecting with others.
- Leisure Skills — it is always a good idea to have goals for things you enjoy doing such as learning a musical instrument, learning how to tango, or just having a goal to enjoy yourself.
- Spiritual Skills — to add meaning and purpose to your life
- Career and Education Skills —for developing your professional skills and advancing in your career.
- Financial Skills — skills for improving your finances such as budgeting, money management, and ideas for increasing your cash flow and net worth.
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