This site presents information in a way that should help you find the information you are looking for as well as present it in a way that makes it easier to understand. To achieve this, various techniques are used.
Use of sub-headings
Each page on this website is written such that it can be read from top to bottom. However, with the use of sub-headings you should be able to scan through a page to get a general idea of the information presented and also find the specific information you are looking for.
More Information Section
The More Information section found at the bottom of many pages contain a list of links to pages that provide more detailed information about the topic of the current page. The information in these child pages expand on the topic of the page they are on.
Related Links Section
Many pages have a section of related links that can be found at the bottom of the page. These links present pages that are related to the page you are reading. These pages, as well as the page they are shown on, are all expanding on the information presented in the parent page.
External Links
Any link that leaves the site is indicated with the following icon:
All other links will take you to a different page within the site.
Book Links
In many places in this site I refer to books that have helped me gain a better understanding of a topic. I generally refer to these books with a link to and these links typically show a popup window when you move the mouse over top of them. This popup window provides more information about the book as well as an image of the cover page.
Various styles are used to help convey information.
Writing on paper is generally used to indicate a place where an exercise requires you to write down your thoughts or ideas.
This site contains ads which provide revenue to help support site development. The ads found here are generally related to the topic of the page it is presented on. The ‘recommend product’ section in the left column typically shows books that have been used in creating the content of the site or which I have read and found useful.
Related Pages
What Is Personal DevelopmentSite Organization
How Information Is Presented
About Me
Miscellaneous Notes About This Site