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Did you know that there are many natural substances that can improve the performance of your brain?

For many people, a simple solution works best – and this section discusses specific natural brain supplements that are available as well as how they can help you.

I personally take brain supplements (even now as I am writing this).

It took a long time before I took them seriously. I didn’t really believe that they could help, and I didn’t know what to expect. It seemed strange that a supplement could make me smarter.

To be honest, after I started taking them, I didn’t really notice anything.

It took some time for me to realize what difference the supplements made and how they affected my thinking.

Consider this – have you ever noticed that to move your arm, you just ‘intend’ to move it and it moves? Have you noticed that the mind works in a similar way? You intend to remember something, and you become aware of the memory. Or you intend to calculate something, and your brain just does it.

I’m sure you’ve also had the experience of intending to use your mind and it doesn’t work. You intend to remember something, and nothing comes up. You try and remember a person’s name and you draw a blank (how embarrassing!). Or you try to figure out a solution to a problem and your brain stalls.

Since taking supplements I’ve noticed a decrease in these problems. I intend for my brain to do something – and it does. This change was subtle at first but over time I’ve found that more and more I can rely on my brain to work as I intend.

If this is something that interests you, read on.


Before I get into specific brain supplements, it’s important that you are getting certain nutrients in sufficient amounts.

Many of these nutrients can be found in a good diet, but not everyone has a perfect diet. In fact, studies show that only 1 in 10 adults eat enough fruits and vegetables [21].

Taking a good multivitamin can improve mood, improve mental performance, improve sense of vigor, reduce stress, and mental fatigue [22]. Many other studies show the positive effects of multivitamins on stress and anxiety, attention, mood, and even aggression.

I personally take and recommend this multivitamin. It has everything you need to ensure your basic nutrients are covered, plus many, many other benefits.

Omega 3

In addition to a multivitamin, I believe you should supplement Omega 3 fatty acids. Eliminating a deficiency in Omega 3 fatty acids can help with:

  • Depression and bipolar disorder [23]
  • ADHD [24]
  • Cognitive impairment and dementia [25]
  • Increase blood flow to the brain [26]

According to the National Institute of Health, most adults should take between 1,000 and 2,000 milligrams of high-quality Omega 3 oil per day, balanced between EPA and DHA [27].

Fish oil is included in the multivitamin I recommend above. If you are looking for just a fish oil supplement, I recommend this one. It is of high quality and can help ensure you are getting your daily omega-3 oil.

If you don’t eat fish, there are plant-based options available. This is a good option (and one that I personally use).

Vitamin D

Vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin”, is known for building bones and boosting the immune system. It is also an essential vitamin for brain health, mood, and memory.

Low levels of vitamin D have been associated with depression, autism, psychosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and more.

According to Dr. Amen in “Feel Better Fast and Make it Last”, the best way to know if your vitamin D is low is to get a blood test. If your levels are low (below 30ng/ml) consider supplementing with 2,000 to 10,000 IU a day. Recheck after two months to make sure your level is in the healthy range.

Turmeric (Curcuma longa) root extract

Turmeric is a spice commonly found in Indian food. It has been used to promote good health in Ayurvedic and Chinese culture for thousands of years.

Studies show it may help reduce formation of beta-amyloid proteins, which can build up in the brain contributing to cognitive decline [28] [29]. Curcumin can chisel away dangerous beta-amyloid so it doesn’t accumulate in the brain.

Acetyl-L-carnitine hydrochloride

This nutrient is typically found in animal products and helps your cells produce energy.

It has shown to improve learning capacity in laboratory animals [30] as well as treat mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease [31].

R-alpha lipoic acid

This nutrient is commonly found in animal products like red meat as well as plant foods like broccoli, tomatoes, spinach, and Brussels sprouts.

It improves mitochondrial function improving how brain cells use energy [32] [33]. It can also cross the blood-brain barrier to protect against oxidative stress in the brain.

It is more effective when paired with N-acetyl carnitine (above).

Citicoline sodium

Typically found in eggs and organ meats as well as cauliflower, broccoli and soy, citicoline has been shown to affect the brain in many positive ways improving both mental as well as physical performance.

Citicoline is a precursor for the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine [34]. With the help of citicoline, acetylcholine can enhance the communication between brain cells, contributing to muscle activation and sensory perception.

Studies have shown that after just 28 days of supplementation, subjects showed a significant cognitive improvement [35].

Here are just some of the benefits citicoline offers:

  • Increase cognition, boost function, and offer neuroprotective benefits [36]
  • Support healthy brain activity in older adults [37]
  • Improved attention, cognition speed, and accuracy [38]

Citicoline has also been shown to increases dopamine levels [39]. This is associated with improved performance on working memory and executive-function tasks requiring attention.


L-carnosine is typically found in meats such as turkey, chicken, beef, or pork and it can help improve the function of your brain.

To understand how, you first need to know about glycation. This is a process where a buildup of sugar-derived molecules become oxidated. This glycation impairs the functionality of your brain.

L-carnosine has been shown to reduce glycation of brain tissue [40], thus reversing any damage that has been done.

Green tea (Camellia sinensis) leaf extract

Green tea has been a popular drink for centuries in the east and has many benefits. It is also a powerful antioxidant and neuroprotector that can modulate blood flow in the brain.

In a recent study, a key component of green tea was found to promote the generation of brain cells and contribute to improved short-term and long-term memory [41].

Velvet bean (Mucuna pruriens) root extract

The velvet bean plant has many medicinal properties and has been used in traditional medicine and Ayurveda for centuries.

Velvet bean has been shown to have many benefits, including [42]:

  • Neuroprotective effects to help keep your brain safe
  • Management of nervous disorders as well as Parkinson’s disease
  • Antioxidant properties to help eliminate free radicals
  • Supports dopamine production for improved mood and mental function

Ginkgo (ginkgo biloba) leaf extract

Ginkgo biloba is one of the most well known and popular supplements for supporting mood and brain health and has many benefits.

It improves blood flow and microcirculation in the brain [43]. Increased blood flow translates to more oxygen and better mental performance.

It is an antioxidant which helps it to prevent oxidative damage to your mitochondria [43]. The mitochondria are what produces energy in your body. Improved mitochondria function is associated with improvements in energy.

It has many other benefits as well, including:

  • Helps reduce inflammation [44] which benefits overall health
  • Improvements in memory [45]
  • Improved mental health and function [46]
  • Reduce anxiety [47]

Black pepper (Piper nigrum) fruit extract

This common seasoning helps to unlock the benefits of all the other supplements described here. It essentially “unlocks the doors” in the gut so the bio-actives can be absorbed better. By increasing bioavailability, it allows the bio-actives to do their job [48].

In addition to helping other supplements do their job, it has its own benefits as a “functional food”. It has been shown to have anti-depression like activity and a cognitive enhancing effect [49].


As you can see, there are many natural supplements you can take that can give your brain a boost. There are many places to find the supplements described here. You can buy them separately, but this isn’t really practical. I recommend an all-in-one solution. This ensures you are getting the best collection of nutrients in the right amount and balance.

I personally recommend (and use) this brain supplement solution.

Key Takeaways

There are many natural supplements that can safely improve your brain performance.

While you can purchase each supplement separately, it is better to buy an all-in-one supplement.

Get started today:

For improved brain function and cognitive performance, consider purchasing this brain supplement.

Works Cited

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